About Nichola Hope

Nichola Hope is an artist of Welsh and Irish nationality based inSouth Wales. She studied painting at Winchester School of Art and Cardiff School of Art. In 2022, she joined the postgraduate drawing year with the Royal Drawing School, London. In 2006, she began drawing performances at Welsh National Opera. She continues to draw different genres of performance. A selection of these drawings and paintings will be exhibited alongside artist Sarah Hope at the Pierhead building, Senedd in2023.She made a series of drawings studies from the taxidermy collection of Museum Wales in 2019 and awarded the watercolour prize in Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020. Her drawings of animals will be on permanent display in Orthopaedics, Llandough Hospital from 2023. Drawing is at the centre of her practice. She is inspired by imagination, the human condition and our relationships with theanimal world.Her work has recently been selected for the touring exhibition Wales Contemporary 2022 and in 2023, her work will be exhibited in alongside a collective of artists who studied at the Royal Drawing School.
Arlunydd o Gymraes a Gwyddeles yw Nichola Hope, ac mae’n byw ac yn gweithio yn Ne Cymru. Astudiodd baentio yn Ysgolion Celf Caer-Wynt a Chaerdydd. Yn 2022, mynychodd gwrs blwyddyn ôl-raddedig mewn tynnu llun â llaw yn yr Ysgol Arlunio Frenhinol yn Llundain. Yn 2006, dechreuodd Nicola Hope wneud lluniau o berfformiadau Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, ac mae’n lluniadu gwahanol fathau o berfformiadau hyd heddiw. Bydd detholiad o’r lluniau yma yn cael eu harddangos ynghyd â lluniau gan yr arlunydd Sarah Hope yn adeilad Pierhead y Senedd yn 2023.Creodd gyfres o luniau o gasgliad tacsidermi Amgueddfa Cymru yn 2019, ac ennillodd y wobr am luniau dyfrlliw yng Nghystadleuaeth Artist Bywyd Gwyllt y Flwyddyn, 2020. O 2023 ymlaen, bydd arddangosfa barhaol o’i lluniau o anifeiliaid yn Adran Orthopodeg Ysbyty Llandochau. Mae tynnu llun â llaw yn ganolog i waith Nichola Hope. Caiff ei hysbrydoli gan y dychymyg, y cyflwr dynol a’n perthynas ag anifeiliaid. Yn ddiweddar, dewiswyd ei gwaith yn rhan o’r arddangosfa deithiol Wales Contemporary 2022. Yn 2023, bydd Nichola Hope hefyd yn arddangos ei gwaith ynghyd â grŵp o artistiaid astudiodd yn yr Ysgol Arlunio Frenhinol.

Lleisiau – Geiriau i Gelf Cymry/ Voices – Words to Welsh Art is a collection of responses to...

Futures Gallery, Senedd
Performance in Wales exhibition I’m pleased to be exhibiting my work alongside my sister Sarah Hope in our...

Royal Drawing School
I recently completed my postgraduate drawing year with Royal Drawing School London. During the drawing year a collective...

Wales Contemporary 2022
My drawing Taith (Journey) was selected for Wales Contemporary 2022. 144 artworks were selected out of 2000 entries...

‘The Sketchbook’ exhibition
I have been invited to exhibit two sketchbooks and framed artworks for Llantarnam Grange’s exhibition The Sketchbook. The...

Draw: Wales Sketchbook
Draw: Wales Sketchbook is a collaboration between Wales Week London and Welsh artist Nichola Hope. Welsh artist and book-maker...